
das; -s, -e
<zu lat. ren (vgl. 2Ren) u. ↑>
zu den Gewebshormonen gehörender, der Nierenrinde entstammender Stoff von blutdrucksenkender Wirkung (Biochem.).

Das große Fremdwörterbuch. 2013.

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  • Renin — Bändermodell des Renin Dimers nach PDB  …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Renin — Renin, in der Niere gebildetes Enzym mit Hormonwirkung, das bei Abnahme der Nierendurchblutung oder niedrigem Natriumspiegel in den Tubulusepithelzellen ins Blut abgegeben wird und das Protein Angiotensinogen unter Mitwirkung eines weiteren… …   Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie

  • renin — 1894, from L. renes “kidneys” + in …   Etymology dictionary

  • renin — [rē′nin] n. [< L renes, kidneys + IN1] a proteolytic enzyme, formed in the kidneys, that helps produce angiotensin, which is a powerful pressor responsible for hypertension …   English World dictionary

  • Renin — Protbox Name=Renin Photo=Renin.png Caption=Molecular structure of renin HGNCid = 9958 Symbol = REN AltSymbols = Names=Angiotensinogenase Chromosome = 1 Arm = q Band = 32 LocusSupplementaryData = Gene= Gene type= Protein length=406 Molecular… …   Wikipedia

  • Renin — Re|nin [lat. ren = Niere; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e; Syn.: Angiotensinogenase: in der Niere gebildete Aspartat Proteinase vom MG 43 000, die Angiotensinogen zu ↑ Angiotensin I spaltet. Aus diesem setzt ↑ ACE Angiotensin II frei, das seinerseits u. a.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • renin — A term originally used for a pressor substance obtained from rabbits kidneys, now an enzyme that converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. SYN: angiotensinogenase. * * * re·nin rē nənalso ren ən n a proteolytic enzyme of the blood that is… …   Medical dictionary

  • renin — /ree nin/, n. Biochem. a proteolytic enzyme secreted by the kidneys that is involved in the release of angiotensin. [1890 95; REN(I) + IN2] * * * ▪ enzyme       enzyme secreted by the kidney (and also, possibly, by the placenta) that breaks down… …   Universalium

  • renin — noun ˈriːnɨn An circulating enzyme released by mammalian kidneys that converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I. Because its activity ultimately leads to formation of angiotensin II and aldosterone, this hormone plays a role in maintaining blood… …   Wiktionary

  • renin — n. an enzyme released into the blood by the kidney in response to stress. It reacts with a substrate from the liver to produce angiotensin, which causes constriction of blood vessels and thus an increase in blood pressure. Excessive production of …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • renin — reninas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Endopeptidazė. atitikmenys: angl. renin rus. ренин …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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